Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certification Guide

This year I had a chance to participate in Packt Publishing book review process. Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certification Guide: Build a solid foundation in Google Cloud Platform to achieve the most lucrative IT certification, 2nd Edition from authors Konrad Cłapa and Brian Gerrard with foreword from Yujun Liang.

Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certification review itself is introduced in early stage of writing and continues until the book is released. Quite a new experience, especially that I’m not a big fan of reading books. But… I found it exciting testing code snippets, verifying flow and screenshot correctness during writing.

As a “thank you” I was invited to write couple words about myself and some greetings (book page 10). I was pleased to write something to public reader. Awesome!

I recommend #GCP #Professional #Cloud #Architect #Certification #Guide to everyone. I have experience with #AWS and #Azure, but wanted to enforce my knowledge on GCP and prepare for the #exam.

✔The layout of Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Certification chapters and flow of the book is well prepared, consistent and that makes it easier to follow, understand and most importantly remember.

❤Big Thank You goes to authors Konrad Cłapa, Google Cloud Certified Fellow and Brian Gerrard for making it a solid experience, despite of extensive book content (650+ pages).

✔Every exam aspect is touched upon and explained, with highlights of most important characteristics of services, security, governance, high availability and geo-distribution.

✔Links to official documentation at the end of chapters are nice shortcuts to dig deeper.

✔Detailed screenshots and step-by-step instructions feel like an expert is sitting with you when you learn.

💖I really liked comparisons of different kinds of services and scenarios for using them in a proper way.

🤓Everyone with some IT Pro skills should be able to understand and follow the book, but most importantly prepare for official GCP certification.

Create encrypted ZFS mirror pool

To create aligned and encrypted ( aes-256-gcm ) ZFS mirror pool, always use /dev/disk/by-id

zpool create -f \ 
  -o ashift=12 \
  -O acltype=posixacl \ 
  -O canmount=on \ 
  -O compression=lz4 \ 
  -O dnodesize=auto \
  -O normalization=formD \
  -O relatime=on \
  -O xattr=sa \
  -O encryption=aes-256-gcm \
  -O keylocation=prompt \
  -O keyformat=passphrase \ 
  -O mountpoint=/data04 \
  data04 mirror \
  /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD10EVVS-63M5B0_WD-WCAV5R194657 \

Mini Dockerfile with conda

Building mini docker images with conda inside

Mini dockerfile with conda


FROM ubuntu:18.04

ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c" ]

RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get -qq upgrade --no-install-recommends \
    && apt-get -qq -y --no-install-recommends install curl bzip2 \
    && curl -sSLk -o /tmp/ \
    && bash /tmp/ -bfp /usr/local \
    && rm -rf /tmp/ \
    && conda install -y python=3 \
    && conda update conda \
    && apt-get -qq -y remove curl bzip2 \
    && apt-get -qq -y autoremove \
    && apt-get autoclean \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/log/dpkg.log \
    && conda clean --all --yes

ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:$PATH


docker build --tag minimal .
docker image list

Azure Arc after Ignite 2021Q1

A lot is happening in the area of hybrid cloud in Microsoft Azure. Despite striving for perfection in the field of public cloud, there is still a large group of customers attached to private data centers. There are many reasons, such as data processing location, no fees for outbound Internet traffic, the possibility of using unusual private equipment, etc. Microsoft sees this trend and addresses it by developing the Azure Arc service – a single tool for multi-cloud management as well as hybrid / private and on-premises. See what has changed in Azure Arc after Ignite.

Azure Arc after Ignite
Azure Arc
Read more “Azure Arc after Ignite 2021Q1”

Remote Desktop IPv6

Security is a breeding ground for ideas 🙂 Today I took up the challenge of getting into a laptop with forced tunneling VPN enabled. The normal RDP connection – although enabled in the system – was not usable. I tried to hammer routings with the appropriate metric for connections from specific IPs, but the VPN client was gradually overwriting them. What to do? Remote Desktop via IPv6 to the rescue!

Read more “Remote Desktop IPv6”

Exam AZ-140 beta: Configuring and Operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure

Exam AZ-140 beta is another piece of Microsoft’s certification puzzle by role (role-based). Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Azure administrators with expertise in planning, delivering, and managing virtual desktop environments and remote applications on any device using the Microsoft Azure platform. Details of the exam can be found here:

Exam AZ-140 beta
Egzamin AZ-140 beta
Read more “Exam AZ-140 beta: Configuring and Operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure”

Inner Generalist

Wewnętrzny Generalista

From an adolescent age, I was passionate about new technologies. I wanted to know everything, try everything. The times were different, maybe less complicated, but like today, the world did not stand still. So I tried. Computer games, some form of programming, 2D / 3D graphics, composing music on trackers. Then came the topics around operating systems, their security or lack of it, the Internet, local networks, viruses… There was always more of everything than I was able to devote time to exploring a specific area… Even then, the “Inner Generalist” was waking up.

From the depths of the stories of “older” colleagues and the so-called role models, however, a clear message emerged. Only specialization will allow you to achieve success, climb the career ladder and get a lot of money! If you know everything – then you know nothing. Period. There was no discussion.

Inner Generalist is there for you

Life, however, showed a completely different side of “truth”. When I started working during my studies, it quickly turned out that the skills I acquired out of pure curiosity were reflected in reality. It appeared that someone even pays for Linux administration, Linux desktop configuration or even printer configuration. Then it turned out that working on Debian easily transformed into Knoppix and Ubuntu. I’ve been there already, little differences. I found myself in a team where various types of bio-IT computations were carried out on computing clusters. It so happened that I was also in clusters. I was extremely interested in OpenMosix which allowed to build clusters sharing CPU over LAN. Not like “grid computing” now, but the machine saw as if it had exactly as much vCPUs as all cluster nodes put together, something like “NUMA links”. Another random skill that allowed me to move on.

I could add a lot of these life stories. My conclusion is simple. Virtually everything I have touched, tested, curiously explored “without need” has turned into a wide set of experiences that are always at hand. Moreover, it has been used many times “in battle” at work, providing services to customers and then designing solutions.

Today I am sure that being a specialist is very good. A specialist is essential in any industry. However, planning and designing solutions often requires a person with a broad perspective, who can see patterns, apply good practices and sense threats. People who have seen similar solutions and participated in similar projects or implementations.

Inner Generalist. This is the role for him.

In the article on medium you can read about the famous and influential Generalists of our world: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Arianna Huffington, Ben Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marie Curie. These are people who were able to combine and use interdisciplinary knowledge, achieving great success.

I do not want to tell you which path to follow, or what is better. The legend of the “rich specialist” has to be relegated to the background.

I would like everyone to be able to find “that something” that guides their life. Maybe one will become an expert in one field, a virtuoso of a complex issue. On the other hand, a technology connoisseur, tasting technological innovations, checking what’s new in the world and tinkering with exciting solutions on his own.

If you’ve come across this article, you probably have an inner generalist in you. You are still looking for him, but you are close 🙂